
Say to your soul; “I won’t sink.” It may sound like a cliché; declaring this simple but profound truth, which may be in stark contrast to the realities of your life. Are you overwhelmed by the negative waves of life? Have you had enough of your own tears in your hands? Where are you right now my dear friend? Wherever you are in your life journeys you are an automatic candidate for God’s vote? Take few minutes right here right now and read your way out of any sour narrative.

INSPIRATION | There’s beautiful declaration of trust hidden in the holy scriptures. These words has always been my source of hope when it feels like my feet is sinking into the dark abyss of despair. The psalmist echoes through the corridors discomfort, these amazing words of life;

Psalm 27:5-6
5 For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock.6 And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me,and I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing and make melody to the LORD

Keep this in mind: “Even if your feet or your whole life is in muddy waters right now, your father God is able to flood your heart with the needed peace, as you confidently trust in his rescuing power.[See Isaiah 26:3-4] Watch this! Don’t miss this moment of truth. The psalmist continues; “now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me.

LIFTED | This is exactly what God is doing right now; lifting you higher above the storms, crowning your life with his glory, and putting to shame the expectations of your enemies. Not only that: your spirit shall be awaken by the beauty of God’s grace, and you will start composing new and glorious songs of praise from the depths of your heart. Instead of mourning you will sing and dance in his glory. Hallelujah!

FAITH CONFESSION | Friend, I speak over your life today — I declare a special manifestation of God’s beauty in your life. May Yahweh conceal you and yours in his love, far from the reach of your enemies, and to order your steps within his ultimate purpose until you reach your sacred places. You won’t sink. You will stand among those standing; praising the King, in Jesus name. Be healed, be restored, be strengthened from all the places of your being. Amen!

McDaniels A. Gyamfi
Makers Church

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